4 Little Known Reasons Your Home Isn't Selling

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If you are in the process of selling your home, but it's been on the market for quite some time, you might be wondering why that is. Getting down to the root of the problem will allow you to resolve it, which will maximize the number of interested buyers and help you sell your home faster. Aside from the need to make a few cosmetic fixes, possibly lower the selling price, and more, there are a few little known reasons homeowners aren't aware of that could be the reason behind the home not selling. Here are four of those reasons:

  1. ​There's a Problem With the Title: One area you should check is the title of the home. Contact the title company to determine whether or not there is an issue with the title that you need to fix so that buyers aren't scared away. One of the most common problems here is, for example, having a paid off mortgage, which could lead to the title showing that there is a valid lien on the house. You will want to talk to the title company to remove this. Another common problem is that there is a mechanic's lien on the title of the house while work was being done. You will want this to be removed, as well by showing that the work has been completed. 
  2. There's a Smell: Overtime, homeowners become used to the smell of their home, this even includes foul odors that they do not realize is actually foul. This could include the smell of pet urine, cat littler, and smoke. Overtime, homeowners become immune to these smells. Your agent will likely tell you whether or not this is a problem and you will want to take action right away to remove it. 
  3. There's Older Appliances: While it is expensive to replace old appliances, it can significantly alter the selling price to be higher and get more buyers interested, so it's worth the investment. Most likely, you will get your money back by not only selling the home quickly, but making more for the sale. Look out for deals on appliances and take advantage of them to resolve this small issue. 
  4. There's Too Much Clutter: While you might still be living in the home while trying to sell it, you don't want to make this too obvious. Since you are moving anyway, it's best to put almost everything away that are not absolutely needed for daily living, such as bookshelves and the clutter on them. Packing all this away either in storage or neatly in boxes in the garage allows buyers to get a look at the home in the freshest state possible that allows them to really get a sense of what it may be like for them to live there. 

These are the four most little known reasons homes do not sell that homeowners must take immediate action on no matter how small the matter may seem. 

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About Me

Weeding Through Houses After thinking long and hard about what to do with my living situation, I finally made the decision that it was time to buy a house. I was tired of living paycheck to paycheck because of rent, so I began working with professionals to guide me in the right financial direction. I was able to find a great company that offered exactly what I wanted to learn, and they walked me through the financial aspects of home ownership. Within a few short months, I was living in a gorgeous new home that I absolutely loved. Check out this blog for great advice on home ownership.

