Home Inspectors: What They're Looking For When They Inspect Your Home On The Market

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When you put your home on the market, you'll have quite a bit of scrutiny to face from potential buyers. Not only will buyers be looking for perfection in your home, but home inspectors will also be looking for perfection as well. If there are flaws in your home, a home inspector will take photographs of them or document them well, but their main prerogative is not to drag your home down. Their main objective is to make your home's condition transparent to both you and whoever buys your property.

If you're worried about home inspectors picking your listed home apart like vultures, don't fret. A majority of listed homes have some issue in them when home inspectors look at them, and most of these perceived flaws or issues can be easily remedied by either the buyer or the seller, whichever agreement is made. This guide will help you understand what home inspectors are looking for when they do their work so you can have peace of mind when you have your home inspected.

Minor functioning flaws

Home inspectors want to ensure that windows shut and lock, that window screens don't have holes in them, that light switches turn on and off, and that faucets are intact and don't leak. These basic functions of your home are expected comforts a buyer can expect when they purchase your property unless you're selling the home as-is. If a door has a loose hinge or if an outlet is loose, the home inspector is likely to catch these things and note them in their account of your home.

Major safety hazards

If your roof is missing shingles, lacking insulation in the attic or crawlspace, no grounded outlet in the kitchen or bathroom, no dryer vent, or no working fire alarms in your home, the home inspectors are going to find them and insist they get repaired. It's wise to have these home inspections done so you can make needed repairs and ensure your home is best ready to sell.

Keep in mind that some home inspection findings don't require you to do anything so long as they don't affect the home's appraisal and the buyer doesn't raise concern. If a home repair or change will affect the sale price of the property, you'll want to follow through with whatever home inspectors suggest you do. Home inspections are valuable to both the current homeowner and potential buyers, and should not be skipped during the sale of the home. Contact a home inspector for more information.

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About Me

Weeding Through Houses After thinking long and hard about what to do with my living situation, I finally made the decision that it was time to buy a house. I was tired of living paycheck to paycheck because of rent, so I began working with professionals to guide me in the right financial direction. I was able to find a great company that offered exactly what I wanted to learn, and they walked me through the financial aspects of home ownership. Within a few short months, I was living in a gorgeous new home that I absolutely loved. Check out this blog for great advice on home ownership.

